Corona-virus dashboard

There is still quite some uncertainty about the corona-virus (Covid-19). Will it cause a pandemic? How deadly is it? Does it spread to other people easily? What is the length of the incubation period?

It has already killed more people than SARS did. To answer the question about the growth of the corona-virus I made a dashboard. It displays the amount of people that:

  • are confirmed to have the virus (Confirmed)
  • have recovered from it (Recovered)
  • have died because of it (Deaths)

The first tab displays the number of people for those categories over time while the second tab displays the number of people per location. In the left sidebar, the total amount of Confirmed, Recovered and Deaths is shown. However, you can also filter by Country or Region.

Looking at the Confirmed cases, there is a huge spike around February 12th. This is caused by the fact that also patients that have symptoms but are not tested positive (yet) are added to the reported cases.

Around, 22 February, there’s a little spike because of new cases found in Italy and South Korea. Let’s hope the numbers are going down to zero soon!

View the live dashboard