Visualizing data with CanvasXpress

Since almost a year, I am working intensely with a data visualization library in R called CanvasXpress. It is a htmlwidget, which means that it’s a wrapper around a Javascript library.

Connie Brett, the maintainer of this library, has introduced me to it. I am working with her on solutions for researchers at Bristol-Myers Squibb. The library has a mechanism to track all user interactions for Reproducible Research purposes. Though it is mainly used by researchers at the moment, it is not limited to this group.  It supports many plots out of the box,  has advanced interaction possibilities and can be integrated in RMarkdown or Shiny applications.  One of the cool things is that you can view, filter and reorder the data that created the plot, from the plot itself! See the image below, where the ordering is changed.

If you are interested on how to use this library, please check out Connie’s blogpost.

